Pressed Merch

At Pressed Merch, we’re continuously exploring ideas and concepts that capture the experience of “being there.” Our artists enjoy challenging traditional boundaries. We’ve produced most of the prints in our shop, so take a look around if you want to see examples of our work!

We provide custom design and production services for merchandise and marketing materials, including:




Album art

Tote bags

Anything else you can print on

Contact us to discuss pricing, quantities, and artist availability.

Every piece of merchandise found on this site was a direct result of the item being produced, directly acquired from the artist, or promoted through Pressed Merch. As a result, many products are listed as artist proofs. Artist proofs are separate from the original print run and are some of the very first posters off the press. This means, unfortunately, we cannot reproduce these rarities. Once the design is sold out, it's gone forever.